Wheelchair and Specialist Seating
Our Wheelchair and Specialist Seating Service works with you and your family to assess and prescribe the right wheelchair for you. This can be a simple wheelchair to allow you to get out and about, a self-propelling wheelchair to maintain an active lifestyle or more complex seating systems to maintain your posture as well as your mobility. We are here to make sure you get the right fit for you and support you to live the life you choose.
Our Wheelchair Service
We offer assessments, wheelchairs and associated specialist seating equipment for Newham residents of all ages. You will need to be a Newham resident or be registered with a general practitioner (GP) in the borough and have a permanent disability or medical condition that significantly affects your ability to walk.
How we work
Usually, your GP or other health and social care professional will refer you to us.
If you are already known to our service, you can self-refer by telephone or email. We may need to contact other professionals involved in your care to ensure we work together to support you to get the best possible outcomes.
Wheelchair equipment maintenance, repair, and collection
Wheelchairs and associated equipment are free but issued on loan. A repair service is provided for wheelchairs issued to you. Chairs in poor condition, or no longer needed, will be collected for reconditioning and reuse.
For repairs or returning wheelchairs, contact our approved repairers, DGT Services:
Telephone: 01245 468 834
Email: info@dgt.services