• Text To Speech

Visual Impairment

How we can support you

We help support people who may have no sight or are partially sighted. We work with you to help with your daily living activities and make sure that you can live the life you want.

We can assist with long cane training and planning routes to your school or university, to your local GP or to your place of work. We are also here to support you with understanding your benefits and housing, and we can assist you with the use of smart technology such as Alexa and Siri on the iPhone.

Get in Touch

You can self-refer by telephone or online, or someone can refer you on your behalf via London Borough of Newham Access Team.

Telephone: 0208 430 2000 Option 2

Or online: Newham online form

We also accept referrals directly from your ophthalmologist, or you can contact us directly if you already have a copy of your recent certificate of visual impairment (CVI). We also manage the visual impairment register and when we receive a copy of your CVI we will contact you to register your details and offer you an assessment of your needs.

Once the referral has come through we will contact you.

Contact our Sensory Support Team

0203 373 8800

Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Contact Our Customer Support

Get In Touch